Centre of Excellence
To enhance the learning of the program, regular training of trainers becomes very essential. Trainers for our skill centers are trained, using a high- intensity short duration course, at our state-of-the-art training facility at our Centers of Excellence (COE). These facilities are one of the finest in the country in terms of technical infrastructure related to electrician and solar training. Our first COE came up in Bengaluru in 2014.
IEEM, Bengaluru, Karnataka (Existing) - Institute of electricity and Energy management was established in collaboration with Karnataka Government, Schneider Electric Foundation France, and French Government in January 2014.

The "Institute for Electricity and Energy Management". At IEEM, trainers and teachers from Karnataka’s ITI and Schneider training centers get trained in an intensive and comprehensive 24 days training program. They are trained in the latest technologies and practices in a field of Electricity such as Safety and Security, Domestic Distribution and Installations, Industrial Distribution and Installations, Energy Quality, Renewable Energies, and Energy Management.
COE, Cuttak, Orissa (Upcoming) - Situated at "Government ITI, Khapuria Industrial Estate, Cuttack, this CoE is a Joint Initiative of Schneider Electric India Foundation and The Department of Skill Development and Technical Education to provide high-end training in the field of Electrical Energy.
COE, Gurgaon, Haryana (Upcoming) - Situated at NISE campus, Gurgaon, this upcoming COE is a joint initiative of Schneider Electric India Foundation (SEIF), National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) and NISE (National Institute of Solar Energy). This has been set up to provide high end learning in Power and Solar area, under the umbrella MOU between the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Govt. Of India and Ministry of Education and Government of France. The COE will be equipped with state of art equipment and facilities and will focus on training in the area of “Electricity, Automation and Solar Energy”. Under the leadership of a French director, this center shall design and deliver Training for Trainers, Instructors, Training of Assessors, and other high-end programs in the areas mentioned above.